Christian Children Books
Reflecting the Face of Every Child in Faith-Building Stories - Asian, Black, Latino, and White

Lightkeeper Kids English

Lightkeeper Kids - Translated

Little Mustard Seeds
I got this book to read too my son because he was self conscious praying in front of others. He told me one day he was worried about what to say. He loved this book and so did I. He’s never asked to leave a review before but this time he did. I played secretary and typed was he told me what to include. I definitely think children would understand this book well and the author did a great job keeping it simple.
I liked this book because it teaches me how to pray. Respect others and forgive mean people and pray to God and be thankful. And remember sick children ask God to take care of them.

Beth Price-Almeida
Lightkeeper Kids
This is a wonderful book that you will read over and over again with your children to help them learn how to pray. We love Rhys Learns to Pray and can’t wait to read it to our grandkids; we wish it was around when our adult children were young. We’ll definitely be giving as a gift at baby showers! So good!

Amazon Customer
Lightkeeper Kids
This is a great book that helps young children know how to pray. It has examples from everyday life that a child would understand that illustrates the steps to prayer. I think children need to be taught and shown how to pray on their own. This book is a great way to help them do that.

Sandra Kay Chambers
Lightkeeper Kids
Un lindo detalle para enseñar a nuestros niños como orar, muy agradecido. Papá Dios les bendiga 🙏

Adrian Ordóñez
Lightkeeper Kids - Translated
Not a huge fan of the illustration, or the diction (I don’t think it’s very well written), BUT- my son loves this books. He calls it the “Amen” book and we read it nearly every day (sometimes multiple times a day). It is a sweet book if you want to introduce your child to a lifestyle of prayer.

Lightkeeper Kids
Lightkeeper Kids - English

In this unique series, every book follows the exact same story of a child learning to pray, emphasizing that while our backgrounds may differ, our spiritual journeys share common ground. The only variations are the names and cultural backgrounds of the characters, showcasing diversity while maintaining a unified narrative. Whether it’s Rhys, Evie, Tyree, Journey, Felipe, Lucy, Henry, or Emily, each child’s experience underlines a universal lesson: prayer is a personal but shared dialogue with God, accessible to every heart and open to all voices, echoing the same valuable insights into faith, connection, and understanding.

Lightkeeper Kids - Translated

En esta serie única, cada libro sigue la misma historia exacta de un niño aprendiendo a orar, enfatizando que, aunque nuestros orígenes puedan ser diferentes, nuestros viajes espirituales comparten un terreno común. Las únicas variaciones son los nombres y los trasfondos culturales de los personajes, mostrando diversidad mientras se mantiene una narrativa unificada. Ya sea Rhys, Evie, Tyree, Journey, Felipe, Lucy, Henry o Emily, la experiencia de cada niño subraya una lección universal: la oración es un diálogo personal pero compartido con Dios, accesible a todo corazón y abierto a todas las voces, resonando con las mismas valiosas percepciones sobre la fe, la conexión y el entendimiento.

Emily Learns to Pray

Emily’s Dream: Emily, an Asian girl, discovers how prayer fits into her life. Her story is an encouraging read for girls wanting to see how someone like them grows in faith.

Felipe Learns to Pray

Felipe Learns to Pray
Felipe’s Story: Felipe, a Latino boy, learns to express his faith through prayer. His story is a wonderful example for Latino boys beginning to explore their spiritual side.
Evie Learns to Pray

Evie’s Journey: Evie, a white girl, finds her own path to prayer. Her story is perfect for girls looking to understand how faith can be a part of their lives.

Henry Learns to Pray

Henry’s Challenge: Henry, an Asian boy, navigates his own path to connecting with God through prayer. This book offers a perspective for Asian boys looking for guidance on faith.
Journey Learns to Pray

Journey’s Discovery: Journey, a black girl, explores what prayer means to her. This book is an inspiring read for girls looking to see their experiences reflected in their faith journey.

Lucy Learns to Pray

Lucy’s Tale: Lucy, a Latina girl, embarks on a beautiful journey of faith and prayer. It’s a heartwarming story for girls who share Lucy’s background and are curious about prayer.
Tyree Learns to Pray

Tyree’s Quest: Follow Tyree, a black boy, as he discovers the power of prayer. It’s a relatable story for boys who share Tyree’s heritage and are curious about faith.

Rhys Learns to Pray

Rhys’s Adventure: This story features Rhys, a white boy, learning to talk to God. It’s a great read for kids who want to see how someone like them learns about prayer.
Sofía Aprende a Orar

El Cuento de Sofia: Sofia, una niña latina, se embarca en un hermoso viaje de fe y oración. Es una historia conmovedora para niñas que comparten el origen de Sofia y tienen curiosidad por la oración.

Mateo Aprende a Orar

La Historia de Mateo: Mateo, un niño latino, aprende a expresar su fe a través de la oración. Su historia es un maravilloso ejemplo para los niños latinos que comienzan a explorar su lado espiritual.
Kathi Lernt Beten

Kathi’s Journey: Kathi, a white girl, finds her own path to prayer. Her story is perfect for girls looking to understand how faith can be a part of their lives.

Ben Lernt Beten

Bens Abenteuer: Diese Geschichte handelt von Ben, einem weißen Jungen, der lernt, mit Gott zu sprechen. Es ist eine großartige Lektüre für Kinder, die sehen möchten, wie jemand wie sie das Gebet erlernt.
Little Mustard Series

Donde los corazones jóvenes aprenden sobre Dios y crecen juntos en la fe.

Aden Learns about God

En un día de playa bañado por el sol, el descubrimiento de un compás por parte de un niño y sus encuentros con un capitán de barco, un faro y un salvavidas desencadenan un viaje lúdico hacia la comprensión de la guía y protección de Dios. Perfecto para niños de 3 a 8 años, esta historia invita a una exploración encantadora de los fundamentos de la fe.